vm.h File Reference


struct  ChaClassIterator
 This structure is meant to be opaque. More...
struct  ChaMethodIterator
 This structure is meant to be opaque. More...


#define O_A_H_VM_VMDIR   "org.apache.harmony.vm.vmdir"
 These are the functions that a VM built as a DLL must export.


VMEXPORT void * get_vm_interface (const char *)
 Dynamic interface adaptor, should return specific API by its name.
VMEXPORT Class_Handle get_system_object_class ()
A handle for the Object class.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle get_system_class_class ()
A handle for the Class class.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle get_system_string_class ()
A handle for the string class.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_lookup_class_by_name_using_bootstrap_class_loader (const char *name)
 Find already loaded class of a given name.
VMEXPORT Boolean class_property_is_final (Class_Handle ch)
 The following three functions will be eventually renamed to.
VMEXPORT Boolean class_property_is_abstract (Class_Handle ch)
VMEXPORT Boolean class_property_is_interface2 (Class_Handle ch)
VMEXPORT Boolean class_hint_is_exceptiontype (Class_Handle ch)
TRUE if the class is likely to be used as an exception object.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_valuetype (Class_Handle ch)
TRUE if the class is a value type.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_enum (Class_Handle ch)
TRUE if the class represents an enum.

VMEXPORT VM_Data_Type class_get_enum_int_type (Class_Handle ch)
 This function can only be called if (class_is_enum(ch) == TRUE) The returned value is the type of the underlying int type.
VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_primitive (Class_Handle ch)
TRUE if the class represents a primitive type (int, float, etc.

VMEXPORT const char * class_get_name (Class_Handle ch)
The name of the class.

VMEXPORT const char * class_get_package_name (Class_Handle ch)
The name of the package containing the class.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_super_class (Class_Handle ch)
 The super class of the current class.
VMEXPORT VTable_Handle class_get_vtable (Class_Handle ch)
The vtable handle of the given class.

VMEXPORT Allocation_Handle class_get_allocation_handle (Class_Handle ch)
The allocation handle to be used for the object allocation routines, given a class handle.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle allocation_handle_get_class (Allocation_Handle ah)
The class handle corresponding to a given allocation handle.

VMEXPORT VM_Data_Type class_get_primitive_type_of_class (Class_Handle ch)
An VM_Data_Type value for a given class.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_class_of_primitive_type (VM_Data_Type typ)
A class corresponding to a primitive type.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_array (Class_Handle ch)
TRUE is the class is an array.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_instanceof (Class_Handle s, Class_Handle t)
TRUE if class s is assignment compatible with class t.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_array_of_class (Class_Handle ch)
 Given a class handle cl construct a class handle of the type representing array of cl.
VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_array_of_unboxed (Class_Handle ch)
 Given a class handle cl construct a class handle of the type representing array of cl.
VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle class_get_element_type_info (Class_Handle ch)
For a class that is an array return the type info for the elements of the array.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_initialized (Class_Handle ch)
TRUE if the class is already fully initialized.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_needs_initialization (Class_Handle ch)
TRUE if the class is neither initialized nor in the process of being initialized.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_before_field_init (Class_Handle ch)
 For Java returns FALSE.
VMEXPORT unsigned class_num_instance_fields (Class_Handle ch)
 Number of instance fields defined in a class.
VMEXPORT Field_Handle class_get_instance_field (Class_Handle ch, unsigned idx)
 Get the handle for a field.
VMEXPORT unsigned class_num_instance_fields_recursive (Class_Handle ch)
 Number of instance fields defined in a class.
VMEXPORT Field_Handle class_get_instance_field_recursive (Class_Handle ch, unsigned idx)
 Get the handle for a field.
VMEXPORT unsigned class_get_number_methods (Class_Handle ch)
 Number of methods declared in the class.
VMEXPORT Boolean class_get_fast_instanceof_flag (Class_Handle cl)
 Check if fast_instanceof is applicable for the class.
VMEXPORT Method_Handle class_get_method (Class_Handle ch, unsigned index)
 Get handle for a method declared in class.
VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_pinned (Class_Handle ch)
TRUE if all instances of this class are pinned.

VMEXPORT void * class_alloc_via_classloader (Class_Handle ch, int32 size)
TRUE if all instances of this class are pinned.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_non_ref_array (Class_Handle ch)
TRUE if this is an array of primitives.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_finalizable (Class_Handle ch)
TRUE if the class has a non-trivial finalizer.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_get_alignment (Class_Handle ch)
 This exactly what I want.
VMEXPORT unsigned class_get_alignment_unboxed (Class_Handle ch)
 Get the alignment of the class when it's unboxed.
VMEXPORT unsigned class_element_size (Class_Handle ch)
For a class handle that represents and array, return the size of the element of the array.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_get_boxed_data_size (Class_Handle ch)
The size in bytes of an instance in the heap.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_get_unboxed_data_offset (Class_Handle ch)
The offset to the start of user data form the start of a boxed instance.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_get_array_element_size (Class_Handle ch)
The size of array element for the given array class

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_array_element_class (Class_Handle ch)
The class of the array element of the given class.

VMEXPORT int vtable_get_super_array_offset ()
The offset from the start of the vtable at which the superclass hierarchy is stored.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle vtable_get_class (VTable_Handle vh)
Class handle given object's VTable_Handle.

VMEXPORT int vm_max_fast_instanceof_depth ()
The number of superclass hierarchy elements that are stored within the vtable.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_iterator_initialize (ChaClassIterator *, Class_Handle root_class)
 Initializes the CHA_Class_Iterator, to iterate over all classes that descend from root_class, including root_class itself.
VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_iterator_get_current (ChaClassIterator *)
The current class of the iterator.

VMEXPORT void class_iterator_advance (ChaClassIterator *)
 Advances the iterator.
VMEXPORT unsigned class_number_inner_classes (Class_Handle ch)
TRUE the number of inner classes.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_inner_class_public (Class_Handle ch, unsigned idx)
TRUE if an inner class is public.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_inner_class (Class_Handle ch, unsigned idx)
an inner class

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_declaring_class (Class_Handle ch)
the class that declared this one, or NULL if top-level class

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_static (Field_Handle fh)
TRUE is the field is static.

VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle field_get_type_info_of_field_value (Field_Handle fh)
The type info that represents the type of the field.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle field_get_class_of_field_value (Field_Handle fh)
The class that represents the type of the field.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle field_get_class (Field_Handle fh)
The class that defined that field.

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_reference (Field_Handle fh)
TRUE if the field is of reference type

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_magic (Field_Handle fh)
TRUE if the field is a magic type field

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_enumerable_reference (Field_Handle fh)
TRUE if the field must be enumerated by GC

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_literal (Field_Handle fh)
TRUE if the field is literal.

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_unmanaged_static (Field_Handle fh)
 For Java always FALSE.
VMEXPORT unsigned field_get_offset (Field_Handle fh)
The offset to an instance field.

VMEXPORT void * field_get_address (Field_Handle fh)
An address of a static field.

VMEXPORT const char * field_get_name (Field_Handle fh)
A name of the field.

VMEXPORT const char * field_get_descriptor (Field_Handle fh)
The field descriptor.

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_final (Field_Handle fh)
TRUE if the field is final.

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_volatile (Field_Handle fh)
TRUE if the field is volatile.

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_private (Field_Handle fh)
TRUE if the field is private.

VMEXPORT void field_get_track_access_flag (Field_Handle field, char **address, char *mask)
The address and bit mask, for the flag which determine whether field access event should be sent.

VMEXPORT void field_get_track_modification_flag (Field_Handle field, char **address, char *mask)
the address and bit mask, for the flag which determine whether field modification event should be sent.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_java (Method_Handle mh)
TRUE if this a Java method.

VMEXPORT const char * method_get_name (Method_Handle mh)
The method name.

VMEXPORT const char * method_get_descriptor (Method_Handle mh)
The method descriptor.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle method_get_class (Method_Handle mh)
A class in which the method is declared.

VMEXPORT void method_lock (Method_Handle mh)
VMEXPORT void method_unlock (Method_Handle mh)
VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_private (Method_Handle mh)
TRUE if the method is private.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_static (Method_Handle mh)
TRUE if the method is static.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_final (Method_Handle mh)
TRUE if the method is final.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_native (Method_Handle mh)
TRUE if the method is native.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_synchronized (Method_Handle mh)
TRUE if the method is synchronized.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_abstract (Method_Handle mh)
TRUE if the method is abstract.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_strict (Method_Handle m)
 Java methods may have a flag set to indicate that floating point operations must be performed in the strict mode.
VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_overridden (Method_Handle m)
TRUE if the method has been overriden in a subclass and FALSE otherwise.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_no_inlining (Method_Handle mh)
TRUE if the method should not be inlined.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_require_security_object (Method_Handle mh)
 Always FALSE for Java.
VMEXPORT Method_Signature_Handle method_get_signature (Method_Handle mh)
A signature that can be used to iterate over method's arguments and query the type of the method result.

VMEXPORT Method_Handle method_find_overridden_method (Class_Handle ch, Method_Handle mh)
 Class ch is a subclass of method_get_class(mh).
VMEXPORT Boolean method_iterator_initialize (ChaMethodIterator *, Method_Handle method, Class_Handle root_class)
 Initializes the CHA_Method_Iterator, to iterate over all methods that match the method signature and descend from root_class (including root_class itself).
VMEXPORT Method_Handle method_iterator_get_current (const ChaMethodIterator *)
The current method of the iterator.

VMEXPORT void method_iterator_advance (ChaMethodIterator *)
 Advances the iterator.
VMEXPORT const char * method_sig_get_descriptor (Method_Signature_Handle s)
The method descriptor for a given method signature.

VMEXPORT Method_Signature_Handle method_standalone_signature (Class_Handle ch, unsigned idx)
 Return a signature that can be used to iterate over method's arguments and query the type of the method result.
VMEXPORT unsigned method_vars_get_number (Method_Handle mh)
the number of local variables defined for the method.

VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle method_vars_get_type_info (Method_Handle mh, unsigned idx)
 Return the type info of the local variable number idx.
VMEXPORT Boolean method_vars_is_managed_pointer (Method_Handle mh, unsigned idx)
TRUE if the local variable is a managed pointer.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_vars_is_pinned (Method_Handle mh, unsigned idx)
TRUE if the local variable is pinned.

VMEXPORT unsigned method_args_get_number (Method_Signature_Handle msh)
the number of arguments defined for the method.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_args_has_this (Method_Signature_Handle msh)
VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle method_args_get_type_info (Method_Signature_Handle msh, unsigned idx)
 Return the class handle of the argument number idx.
VMEXPORT Boolean method_args_is_managed_pointer (Method_Signature_Handle msh, unsigned idx)
TRUE if the argument is a managed pointer.

VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle method_ret_type_get_type_info (Method_Signature_Handle msh)
VMEXPORT Boolean method_ret_type_is_managed_pointer (Method_Signature_Handle msh)
TRUE if the return value is a managed pointer.

VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_reference (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 Array shapes and custom modifiers are not implemented yet.
VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_unboxed (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 If type info is unboxed, type_info_get_class will return the class of the unboxed type and class_is_primitive will return its VM_Data_Type.
VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_primitive (Type_Info_Handle tih)
TRUE if the type is a primitive type.

VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_unmanaged_pointer (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 If TRUE, then type_info_get_type_info returns the type info that the pointer points to.
VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_void (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 For a return value a type can be void when it is not an unmanaged pointer.
VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_method_pointer (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 If TRUE, use type_info_get_method_sig to retrieve the method signature.
VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_vector (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 Is it a vector, i.e., a one-dimensional, zero-based array.
VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_general_array (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 Is it a general array, i.e., either multidimensional or non zero-based.
VMEXPORT const char * type_info_get_type_name (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 Get the name of the class referenced by this type info handle.
VMEXPORT Class_Handle type_info_get_class (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 Get the class if type_info_is_reference or type_info_is_unboxed returned TRUE.
VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle type_info_create_from_java_descriptor (ClassLoaderHandle cl, const char *typeName)
 Gets Type_Info_Handle from the given type name.
VMEXPORT Class_Handle type_info_get_class_no_exn (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 Get the class if type_info_is_reference or type_info_is_unboxed returned TRUE.
VMEXPORT Method_Signature_Handle type_info_get_method_sig (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 Get the method signature if type_info_is_method_pointer returned TRUE.
VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle type_info_get_type_info (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 Get recursively type info if type_info_is_unmanaged_pointer, type_info_is_vector or type_info_is_general_array returned TRUE.
VMEXPORT VM_Data_Type type_info_get_type (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 Return an VM_Data_Type corresponding to a type info.
VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_resolved (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 Checks if a type referenced by the given type info handle is resolved.
VMEXPORT uint32 type_info_get_num_array_dimensions (Type_Info_Handle tih)
 Returns number of array dimension of a type referenced by the given type info handle.
VMEXPORT int vector_length_offset ()
 Return the offset to the length field of the array.
VMEXPORT int array_length_offset ()
VMEXPORT int vector_first_element_offset (VM_Data_Type element_type)
 Return the offset to the first element of the vector of the given type.
VMEXPORT int array_first_element_offset (VM_Data_Type element_type)
VMEXPORT int vector_first_element_offset_class_handle (Class_Handle element_type)
 Return the offset to the first element of the vector of the given type.
VMEXPORT int array_first_element_offset_class_handle (Class_Handle element_type)
VMEXPORT int vector_first_element_offset_unboxed (Class_Handle element_type)
 Return the offset to the first element of the vector of the given type.
VMEXPORT int array_first_element_offset_unboxed (Class_Handle element_type)
VMEXPORT int32 vector_get_length (Vector_Handle vector)
 Return the length of a vector.
VMEXPORT Managed_Object_Handlevector_get_element_address_ref (Vector_Handle vector, int32 idx)
 Return the address to an element of a vector of references.
VMEXPORT unsigned vm_vector_size (Class_Handle vector_class, int length)
 Return the size of a vector of a given number of elements.
VMEXPORT Boolean vm_references_are_compressed ()
TRUE if references within objects and vector elements are to be treated as offsets rather than raw pointers.

VMEXPORT void * vm_heap_base_address ()
The starting address of the GC heap.

VMEXPORT void * vm_heap_ceiling_address ()
The ending address of the GC heap.

VMEXPORT Boolean vm_vtable_pointers_are_compressed ()
TRUE if vtable pointers within objects are to be treated as offsets rather than raw pointers.

VMEXPORT int object_get_vtable_offset ()
The offset to the vtable pointer in an object.

VMEXPORT POINTER_SIZE_INT vm_get_vtable_base ()
The base address of the vtable memory area.

VMEXPORT unsigned vm_get_vtable_ptr_size ()
The width in bytes (e.g.

VMEXPORT char * method_sig_get_string (Method_Signature_Handle msh)
A printable signature.

VMEXPORT void free_string_buffer (char *buffer)
 Free a string buffer returned by method_sig_get_string.
VMEXPORT void set_property (const char *key, const char *value, PropertyTable table_number)
 Sets the property for table_number property table.
VMEXPORT char * get_property (const char *key, PropertyTable table_number)
The value of the property from table_number property table if it has been set by set_property function.

VMEXPORT void destroy_property_value (char *value)
 Safety frees memory of value returned by get_property function.
VMEXPORT int is_property_set (const char *key, PropertyTable table_number)
 Checks if the property is set.
VMEXPORT void unset_property (const char *key, PropertyTable table_number)
 Unsets the property in table_number property table.
VMEXPORT char ** get_properties_keys (PropertyTable table_number)
An array of keys from table_number properties table.

VMEXPORT char ** get_properties_keys_staring_with (const char *prefix, PropertyTable table_number)
An array of keys which start with specified prefix from table_number properties table.

VMEXPORT void destroy_properties_keys (char **keys)
 Safety frees array of keys memory which returned by get_properties_keys or get_properties_keys_staring_with functions.
VMEXPORT Boolean get_boolean_property (const char *property, Boolean default_value, PropertyTable table_number)
 Tries to interpret property value as Boolean and returns it.
VMEXPORT int get_int_property (const char *property_name, int default_value, PropertyTable table_number)
 Tries to interpret property value as int and returns it.
VMEXPORT size_t get_size_property (const char *property_name, size_t default_value, PropertyTable table_number)
 Tries to interpret property value as int and returns it.
VMEXPORT int64 get_numerical_property (const char *property_name, int64 default_value, PropertyTable table_number)
VMEXPORT char * get_method_entry_flag_address ()
 Returns the address of the global flag that specifies whether MethodEntry event is enabled.
VMEXPORT char * get_method_exit_flag_address ()
 Returns the address of the global flag that specifies whether MethodExit event is enabled.

Define Documentation

#define O_A_H_VM_VMDIR   "org.apache.harmony.vm.vmdir"

These are the functions that a VM built as a DLL must export.

Some functions may be optional and are marked as such.

Function Documentation

VMEXPORT void* get_vm_interface ( const char *   ) 

Dynamic interface adaptor, should return specific API by its name.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle get_system_object_class (  ) 

A handle for the Object class.

For Java applications, it's java.lang.Object.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle get_system_class_class (  ) 

A handle for the Class class.

For Java applications, it's java.lang.Class.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle get_system_string_class (  ) 

A handle for the string class.

For Java applications, it's java.lang.String.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_lookup_class_by_name_using_bootstrap_class_loader ( const char *  name  ) 

Find already loaded class of a given name.

NULL if a class is not loaded.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_property_is_final ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

The following three functions will be eventually renamed to.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_property_is_abstract ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

VMEXPORT Boolean class_property_is_interface2 ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

VMEXPORT Boolean class_hint_is_exceptiontype ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

TRUE if the class is likely to be used as an exception object.

This is a hint only. If the result is FALSE, the class may still be used for exceptions but it is less likely.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_valuetype ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

TRUE if the class is a value type.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_enum ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

TRUE if the class represents an enum.

For Java 1.4 always returns FALSE.

VMEXPORT VM_Data_Type class_get_enum_int_type ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

This function can only be called if (class_is_enum(ch) == TRUE) The returned value is the type of the underlying int type.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_primitive ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

TRUE if the class represents a primitive type (int, float, etc.


VMEXPORT const char* class_get_name ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

The name of the class.

VMEXPORT const char* class_get_package_name ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

The name of the package containing the class.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_super_class ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

The super class of the current class.

NULL for the system object class, i.e. class_get_super_class(get_system_object_class()) == NULL

VMEXPORT VTable_Handle class_get_vtable ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

The vtable handle of the given class.

VMEXPORT Allocation_Handle class_get_allocation_handle ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

The allocation handle to be used for the object allocation routines, given a class handle.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle allocation_handle_get_class ( Allocation_Handle  ah  ) 

The class handle corresponding to a given allocation handle.

VMEXPORT VM_Data_Type class_get_primitive_type_of_class ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

An VM_Data_Type value for a given class.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_class_of_primitive_type ( VM_Data_Type  typ  ) 

A class corresponding to a primitive type.

For all primitive types t t == class_get_primitive_type_of_class(class_get_class_of_primitive_type(t))

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_array ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

TRUE is the class is an array.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_instanceof ( Class_Handle  s,
Class_Handle  t 

TRUE if class s is assignment compatible with class t.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_array_of_class ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

Given a class handle cl construct a class handle of the type representing array of cl.

If class cl is value type, assume that the element is a reference to a boxed instance of that type.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_array_of_unboxed ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

Given a class handle cl construct a class handle of the type representing array of cl.

Class cl is assumed to be a value type.

NULL if cl is not a value type.

VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle class_get_element_type_info ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

For a class that is an array return the type info for the elements of the array.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_initialized ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

TRUE if the class is already fully initialized.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_needs_initialization ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

TRUE if the class is neither initialized nor in the process of being initialized.

The intention is that the JIT will emit a call to VM_RT_INITIALIZE_CLASS before every access to a static field in Java.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_before_field_init ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

For Java returns FALSE.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_num_instance_fields ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

Number of instance fields defined in a class.

That doesn't include inherited fields.

VMEXPORT Field_Handle class_get_instance_field ( Class_Handle  ch,
unsigned  idx 

Get the handle for a field.

If idx is greater than or equal to class_num_instance_fields.

The value of idx indexes into the fields defined in this class and doesn't include inherited fields.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_num_instance_fields_recursive ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

Number of instance fields defined in a class.

This number includes inherited fields.

VMEXPORT Field_Handle class_get_instance_field_recursive ( Class_Handle  ch,
unsigned  idx 

Get the handle for a field.

NULL if idx is greater than or equal to class_num_instance_fields_recursive.
The value of idx indexes into the set of fields that includes both fields defined in this class and inherited fields.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_get_number_methods ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

Number of methods declared in the class.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_get_fast_instanceof_flag ( Class_Handle  cl  ) 

Check if fast_instanceof is applicable for the class.

VMEXPORT Method_Handle class_get_method ( Class_Handle  ch,
unsigned  index 

Get handle for a method declared in class.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_pinned ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

TRUE if all instances of this class are pinned.

VMEXPORT void* class_alloc_via_classloader ( Class_Handle  ch,
int32  size 

TRUE if all instances of this class are pinned.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_non_ref_array ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

TRUE if this is an array of primitives.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_finalizable ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

TRUE if the class has a non-trivial finalizer.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_get_alignment ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

This exactly what I want.

Get the alignment of the class.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_get_alignment_unboxed ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

Get the alignment of the class when it's unboxed.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_element_size ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

For a class handle that represents and array, return the size of the element of the array.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_get_boxed_data_size ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

The size in bytes of an instance in the heap.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_get_unboxed_data_offset ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

The offset to the start of user data form the start of a boxed instance.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_get_array_element_size ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

The size of array element for the given array class

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_array_element_class ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

The class of the array element of the given class.

The behavior is undefined if the parameter does not represent an array class.

VMEXPORT int vtable_get_super_array_offset (  ) 

The offset from the start of the vtable at which the superclass hierarchy is stored.

This is for use with fast type checking.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle vtable_get_class ( VTable_Handle  vh  ) 

Class handle given object's VTable_Handle.

VMEXPORT int vm_max_fast_instanceof_depth (  ) 

The number of superclass hierarchy elements that are stored within the vtable.

This is for use with fast type checking.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_iterator_initialize ( ChaClassIterator ,
Class_Handle  root_class 

Initializes the CHA_Class_Iterator, to iterate over all classes that descend from root_class, including root_class itself.

TRUE if iteration is supported over root_class, FALSE if not.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_iterator_get_current ( ChaClassIterator  ) 

The current class of the iterator.

NULL if there are no more classes.

VMEXPORT void class_iterator_advance ( ChaClassIterator  ) 

Advances the iterator.

VMEXPORT unsigned class_number_inner_classes ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

TRUE the number of inner classes.

VMEXPORT Boolean class_is_inner_class_public ( Class_Handle  ch,
unsigned  idx 

TRUE if an inner class is public.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_inner_class ( Class_Handle  ch,
unsigned  idx 

an inner class

VMEXPORT Class_Handle class_get_declaring_class ( Class_Handle  ch  ) 

the class that declared this one, or NULL if top-level class

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_static ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

TRUE is the field is static.

VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle field_get_type_info_of_field_value ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

The type info that represents the type of the field.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle field_get_class_of_field_value ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

The class that represents the type of the field.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle field_get_class ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

The class that defined that field.

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_reference ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

TRUE if the field is of reference type

This function doesn't cause resolution of the class of the field.

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_magic ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

TRUE if the field is a magic type field

This function doesn't cause resolution of the class of the field.

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_enumerable_reference ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

TRUE if the field must be enumerated by GC

This function doesn't cause resolution of the class of the field.

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_literal ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

TRUE if the field is literal.

In Java, it means that the field had the ConstantValue attribute set (JVMS2, Section 4.7.2).

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_unmanaged_static ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

For Java always FALSE.

VMEXPORT unsigned field_get_offset ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

The offset to an instance field.

VMEXPORT void* field_get_address ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

An address of a static field.

VMEXPORT const char* field_get_name ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

A name of the field.

VMEXPORT const char* field_get_descriptor ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

The field descriptor.

The descriptor is a string representation of the field types as defined by the JVM spec.

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_final ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

TRUE if the field is final.

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_volatile ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

TRUE if the field is volatile.

VMEXPORT Boolean field_is_private ( Field_Handle  fh  ) 

TRUE if the field is private.

VMEXPORT void field_get_track_access_flag ( Field_Handle  field,
char **  address,
char *  mask 

The address and bit mask, for the flag which determine whether field access event should be sent.

JIT may use the following expression to determine if specified field access should be tracked: ( **address & *mask != 0 )

field - handle of the field
[out] address - pointer to the address of the byte which contains the flag
[out] mask - pointer to the bit mask of the flag

VMEXPORT void field_get_track_modification_flag ( Field_Handle  field,
char **  address,
char *  mask 

the address and bit mask, for the flag which determine whether field modification event should be sent.

JIT may use the following expression to determine if specified field modification should be tracked: ( **address & *mask != 0 )

field - handle of the field
[out] address - pointer to the address of the byte which contains the flag
[out] mask - pointer to the bit mask of the flag

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_java ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

TRUE if this a Java method.

Every Java JIT must call this function before compiling a method and return JIT_FAILURE if method_is_java returned FALSE.

VMEXPORT const char* method_get_name ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

The method name.

VMEXPORT const char* method_get_descriptor ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

The method descriptor.

The descriptor is a string representation of the parameter and return value types as defined by the JVM spec.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle method_get_class ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

A class in which the method is declared.

VMEXPORT void method_lock ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

VMEXPORT void method_unlock ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_private ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

TRUE if the method is private.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_static ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

TRUE if the method is static.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_final ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

TRUE if the method is final.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_native ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

TRUE if the method is native.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_synchronized ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

TRUE if the method is synchronized.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_abstract ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

TRUE if the method is abstract.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_strict ( Method_Handle  m  ) 

Java methods may have a flag set to indicate that floating point operations must be performed in the strict mode.

method_is_strict() returns TRUE if the ACC_STRICT flag is set for a Java method and FALSE otherwise.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_overridden ( Method_Handle  m  ) 

TRUE if the method has been overriden in a subclass and FALSE otherwise.

If method_is_overridden returns FALSE, loading of a subclass later in the execution of the program may change invalidate this condition. If a JIT uses method_is_overridden to implement unconditional inlining, it must be prepared to patch the code later (see vm_register_jit_overridden_method_callback).

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_no_inlining ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

TRUE if the method should not be inlined.

There may also be other reasons why a method shouldn't be inlined, e.g., native methods can't be inlined and in Java you can't inlined methods that are loaded by a different class loader than the caller. Always FALSE for Java.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_is_require_security_object ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

Always FALSE for Java.

VMEXPORT Method_Signature_Handle method_get_signature ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

A signature that can be used to iterate over method's arguments and query the type of the method result.

VMEXPORT Method_Handle method_find_overridden_method ( Class_Handle  ch,
Method_Handle  mh 

Class ch is a subclass of method_get_class(mh).

The function returns a method handle for an accessible method overriding mh in ch or in its closest superclass that overrides mh. Class ch must be a class not an interface.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_iterator_initialize ( ChaMethodIterator ,
Method_Handle  method,
Class_Handle  root_class 

Initializes the CHA_Method_Iterator, to iterate over all methods that match the method signature and descend from root_class (including root_class itself).

TRUE if iteration is supported over root_class, FALSE if not.

VMEXPORT Method_Handle method_iterator_get_current ( const ChaMethodIterator  ) 

The current method of the iterator.

NULL is returned if therea are no more methods.

VMEXPORT void method_iterator_advance ( ChaMethodIterator  ) 

Advances the iterator.

VMEXPORT const char* method_sig_get_descriptor ( Method_Signature_Handle  s  ) 

The method descriptor for a given method signature.

See method_get_descriptor().

VMEXPORT Method_Signature_Handle method_standalone_signature ( Class_Handle  ch,
unsigned  idx 

Return a signature that can be used to iterate over method's arguments and query the type of the method result.

Java doesn't have standalone signatures, so for Java, always return NULL.

VMEXPORT unsigned method_vars_get_number ( Method_Handle  mh  ) 

the number of local variables defined for the method.

VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle method_vars_get_type_info ( Method_Handle  mh,
unsigned  idx 

Return the type info of the local variable number idx.

Since local variables are not typed in Java. this function always returns NULL for Java methods.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_vars_is_managed_pointer ( Method_Handle  mh,
unsigned  idx 

TRUE if the local variable is a managed pointer.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_vars_is_pinned ( Method_Handle  mh,
unsigned  idx 

TRUE if the local variable is pinned.

VMEXPORT unsigned method_args_get_number ( Method_Signature_Handle  msh  ) 

the number of arguments defined for the method.

This number automatically includes the this pointer (if present).

VMEXPORT Boolean method_args_has_this ( Method_Signature_Handle  msh  ) 

VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle method_args_get_type_info ( Method_Signature_Handle  msh,
unsigned  idx 

Return the class handle of the argument number idx.

That's TRUE even for primitive types like int or float.

VMEXPORT Boolean method_args_is_managed_pointer ( Method_Signature_Handle  msh,
unsigned  idx 

TRUE if the argument is a managed pointer.

VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle method_ret_type_get_type_info ( Method_Signature_Handle  msh  ) 

VMEXPORT Boolean method_ret_type_is_managed_pointer ( Method_Signature_Handle  msh  ) 

TRUE if the return value is a managed pointer.

VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_reference ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

Array shapes and custom modifiers are not implemented yet.

If type info is a reference, type_info_get_class will return the class of the reference.

VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_unboxed ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

If type info is unboxed, type_info_get_class will return the class of the unboxed type and class_is_primitive will return its VM_Data_Type.

VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_primitive ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

TRUE if the type is a primitive type.

type_info_is_primitive does not cause resolution in contrast to the otherwise equivalentcall sequence suggested in the description of type_info_is_unboxed (i.e. type_info_is_unboxed-->type_info_get_class-->class_is_primitive).

VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_unmanaged_pointer ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

If TRUE, then type_info_get_type_info returns the type info that the pointer points to.

VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_void ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

For a return value a type can be void when it is not an unmanaged pointer.

In all other contexts, if type_info_is_void is TRUE then type_info_is_unmanaged_pointer is TRUE too.

VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_method_pointer ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

If TRUE, use type_info_get_method_sig to retrieve the method signature.

VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_vector ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

Is it a vector, i.e., a one-dimensional, zero-based array.

VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_general_array ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

Is it a general array, i.e., either multidimensional or non zero-based.

FALSE for vectors. Always FALSE for Java.

VMEXPORT const char* type_info_get_type_name ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

Get the name of the class referenced by this type info handle.

VMEXPORT Class_Handle type_info_get_class ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

Get the class if type_info_is_reference or type_info_is_unboxed returned TRUE.

If the type info is a vector or a general array, return the class handle for the array type (not the element type).

VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle type_info_create_from_java_descriptor ( ClassLoaderHandle  cl,
const char *  typeName 

Gets Type_Info_Handle from the given type name.

Does'n resolve type if not resolved

VMEXPORT Class_Handle type_info_get_class_no_exn ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

Get the class if type_info_is_reference or type_info_is_unboxed returned TRUE.

If the type info is a vector or a general array, return the class handle for the array type (not the element type). Invokes class loader with no exception but preserves previously raised exception.

VMEXPORT Method_Signature_Handle type_info_get_method_sig ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

Get the method signature if type_info_is_method_pointer returned TRUE.

VMEXPORT Type_Info_Handle type_info_get_type_info ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

Get recursively type info if type_info_is_unmanaged_pointer, type_info_is_vector or type_info_is_general_array returned TRUE.

VMEXPORT VM_Data_Type type_info_get_type ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

Return an VM_Data_Type corresponding to a type info.

This function is provided for convenience as it can be implemented in terms of other functions provided in this interface.

VMEXPORT Boolean type_info_is_resolved ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

Checks if a type referenced by the given type info handle is resolved.

VMEXPORT uint32 type_info_get_num_array_dimensions ( Type_Info_Handle  tih  ) 

Returns number of array dimension of a type referenced by the given type info handle.

VMEXPORT int vector_length_offset (  ) 

Return the offset to the length field of the array.

That field has the same offset for vectors of all types.

VMEXPORT int array_length_offset (  ) 


Please use vector_length_offset instead.

VMEXPORT int vector_first_element_offset ( VM_Data_Type  element_type  ) 

Return the offset to the first element of the vector of the given type.

This function is provided for the cases when the class handle of the element is not available.

VMEXPORT int array_first_element_offset ( VM_Data_Type  element_type  ) 


Please use vector_first_element_offset instead.

VMEXPORT int vector_first_element_offset_class_handle ( Class_Handle  element_type  ) 

Return the offset to the first element of the vector of the given type.

Assume that the elements are boxed. Byte offset.

VMEXPORT int array_first_element_offset_class_handle ( Class_Handle  element_type  ) 


Please use vector_first_element_offset_class_handle instead.

VMEXPORT int vector_first_element_offset_unboxed ( Class_Handle  element_type  ) 

Return the offset to the first element of the vector of the given type.

If the class is a value type, assume that elements are unboxed. If the class is not a value type, assume that elements are references.

VMEXPORT int array_first_element_offset_unboxed ( Class_Handle  element_type  ) 


Please use vector_first_element_offset_unboxed instead.

VMEXPORT int32 vector_get_length ( Vector_Handle  vector  ) 

Return the length of a vector.

The caller must ensure that GC will not move or deallocate the vector while vector_get_length() is active.

VMEXPORT Managed_Object_Handle* vector_get_element_address_ref ( Vector_Handle  vector,
int32  idx 

Return the address to an element of a vector of references.

The caller must ensure that GC will not move or deallocate the vector while vector_get_element_address_ref() is active.

VMEXPORT unsigned vm_vector_size ( Class_Handle  vector_class,
int  length 

Return the size of a vector of a given number of elements.

The size is rounded up to take alignment into account.

VMEXPORT Boolean vm_references_are_compressed (  ) 

TRUE if references within objects and vector elements are to be treated as offsets rather than raw pointers.

VMEXPORT void* vm_heap_base_address (  ) 

The starting address of the GC heap.

VMEXPORT void* vm_heap_ceiling_address (  ) 

The ending address of the GC heap.

VMEXPORT Boolean vm_vtable_pointers_are_compressed (  ) 

TRUE if vtable pointers within objects are to be treated as offsets rather than raw pointers.

VMEXPORT int object_get_vtable_offset (  ) 

The offset to the vtable pointer in an object.

VMEXPORT POINTER_SIZE_INT vm_get_vtable_base (  ) 

The base address of the vtable memory area.

This value will never change and can be cached at startup.

VMEXPORT unsigned vm_get_vtable_ptr_size (  ) 

The width in bytes (e.g.

4 or 8) of the vtable type information in each object's header. This is typically used by the JIT for generating type-checking code, e.g. for inlined type checks or for inlining of virtual methods.

VMEXPORT char* method_sig_get_string ( Method_Signature_Handle  msh  ) 

A printable signature.

The character buffer is owned by the caller. Call free_string_buffer to reclaim the memory.

VMEXPORT void free_string_buffer ( char *  buffer  ) 

Free a string buffer returned by method_sig_get_string.

VMEXPORT void set_property ( const char *  key,
const char *  value,
PropertyTable  table_number 

Sets the property for table_number property table.

NULL value is supported.

VMEXPORT char* get_property ( const char *  key,
PropertyTable  table_number 

The value of the property from table_number property table if it has been set by set_property function.

Otherwise NULL.

VMEXPORT void destroy_property_value ( char *  value  ) 

Safety frees memory of value returned by get_property function.

VMEXPORT int is_property_set ( const char *  key,
PropertyTable  table_number 

Checks if the property is set.

-1 if table_number is incorrect.
1 if property is set in table_number property table.
0 otherwise.

VMEXPORT void unset_property ( const char *  key,
PropertyTable  table_number 

Unsets the property in table_number property table.

VMEXPORT char** get_properties_keys ( PropertyTable  table_number  ) 

An array of keys from table_number properties table.

VMEXPORT char** get_properties_keys_staring_with ( const char *  prefix,
PropertyTable  table_number 

An array of keys which start with specified prefix from table_number properties table.

VMEXPORT void destroy_properties_keys ( char **  keys  ) 

Safety frees array of keys memory which returned by get_properties_keys or get_properties_keys_staring_with functions.

VMEXPORT Boolean get_boolean_property ( const char *  property,
Boolean  default_value,
PropertyTable  table_number 

Tries to interpret property value as Boolean and returns it.

In case of failure returns default_value.

VMEXPORT int get_int_property ( const char *  property_name,
int  default_value,
PropertyTable  table_number 

Tries to interpret property value as int and returns it.

In case of failure returns default_value.

VMEXPORT size_t get_size_property ( const char *  property_name,
size_t  default_value,
PropertyTable  table_number 

Tries to interpret property value as int and returns it.

In case of failure returns default_value.

VMEXPORT int64 get_numerical_property ( const char *  property_name,
int64  default_value,
PropertyTable  table_number 

VMEXPORT char* get_method_entry_flag_address (  ) 

Returns the address of the global flag that specifies whether MethodEntry event is enabled.

JIT should call this function in case a method is compiled with exe_notify_method_entry flag set.

VMEXPORT char* get_method_exit_flag_address (  ) 

Returns the address of the global flag that specifies whether MethodExit event is enabled.

JIT should call this function in case a method is compiled with exe_notify_method_exit flag set.

Genereated on Tue Mar 11 19:25:23 2008 by Doxygen.

(c) Copyright 2005, 2008 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.